Protected: MEQ Response Rates, S2 2018-19
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The student voice in action! Students taking part in a design sprint to inform the work of the TEL Project this morning. Being discussed here, the top level tasks students need to undertake in the online learning…
The TEL Project is currently exploring the how to better integrate the systems that support learning and teaching within the university, with the outcome of improving students’ online experience and making it easier…
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On Wednesday, Prof. Andy Gavrin of Purdue University, Indianapolis, delivered a seminar in the School of Physics with the title “Engaging Students with Technology”. He outlined two initiatives that he and colleagues…
This Wednesday 5th June sees a Seminar take place presented by Professor Andrew Gavrin of Purdue University Indianapolis, entitled ‘Engaging Students with Technology’. The abstract reads: “Technology has been portrayed…
At the last Learning & Teaching Committee, we heard about an innovative Honours module that has been running in the School of Modern Languages this year – with Dr Julia Prest as module leader and collaborating with…
The departments of Music, Social Anthropology and the School of Management (as a result of a successful Teaching Development Fund application) are working jointly on a project to build student confidence through…