Students – we need your help!
The TELStA team is seeking an intern to help them with information overload. Our field is very fast-moving, and we have a wide range of information from various sources which we need to share with those who use our…
The TELStA team is seeking an intern to help them with information overload. Our field is very fast-moving, and we have a wide range of information from various sources which we need to share with those who use our…
We’re very excited to have two new Learning Technologist vacancies in the TELStA team at the moment! Both are located in St Andrews and are fixed term for 2 years. We’re looking for one post to start in Autumn 2019,…
St Andrews colleagues! Do we have a shared understanding of Learning Analytics? We are running an interactive workshop on 2nd May (1400-16:00) which gives staff an opportunity to explore potential definitions and…
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In September 2017, the University appointed external consultants, HLM Architects, to undertake a review and analysis of the University’s existing learning and teaching spaces. This review was concluded in February 2018…
The student voice in action! Students taking part in a design sprint to inform the work of the TEL Project this morning. Being discussed here, the top level tasks students need to undertake in the online learning…
The TEL Project is currently exploring the how to better integrate the systems that support learning and teaching within the university, with the outcome of improving students’ online experience and making it easier…
We are testing a new Moodle plugin for attendance monitoring. It can be set up to allow students to self-report attendance; and has various features to try and minimise false reporting, such as restricting access to…
Here are our training opportunities for this semester: Moodle, 11/03/19, 1200-1400 – book Moodle, 19/03/19, 1200-1400 – book Lecture Capture, 20/03/19, 1100-1300 – book Moodle, 27/03/19, 1200-1400 – book Moodle,…
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